What is an Import Filter?
By the time you're ready to integrate Pipedrive with ClientSuccess, you'll likely have a book of active business you'll want to sync over to ClientSuccess, as well as a history of past customers whose data may not be relevant to your work within ClientSuccess. One integral piece to the Pipedrive integration is the ability to only sync those records that you consider important to have in ClientSuccess.
As part of the integration, you'll leverage what we refer to as a "Import Filter". After you've defined what criteria a record (Accounts, Contacts etc.) should meet in order to sync with ClientSuccess, let us know that criteria, and we'll update your Import Filter for you (must be done by ClientSuccess Support).
Best Practices
Common Import Filters often consider fields such as record "Status", or "Type". For example, you may decide that you want to sync all of your Organizations where the value in their Type field is "Customer". In this case, simply let us know the name of the field (in this case, Type), and the value(s) (in this case, Customer) you want to be included in your sync.
Can multiple criteria be considered in my Import Filter?
Multiple criteria can be considered in your Import Filter. For example, a Client filter could be:
Status = 'Active' AND Type = 'Customer'
The filter above would mean that only Account records which had their Status field marked as "Active" and their Type field marked as "Customer" would sync with ClientSuccess.
How complex can Import Filters be?
We don't recommend a filter consider more than 1- 3 criteria. As opposed to utilizing a complex Import Filter, we recommend instead building a single-picklist or workflow within Pipedrive in which you can consider as many criteria as you'd like. By going this route, it leaves you in control of adjusting your criteria (you would simply update your formula field to make adjustments). From the ClientSuccess side, we would merely set your Import Filter to look at that formula field, and look for the field value.
Can I set different Import Filters for different objects?
Yep! Because you are likely pulling your Client data from a different object in Pipedrive than, say, your People data, we've built the ability to set your Import Filters on a per-object level. That means one filter for your Client sync, one for your Contact sync etc.
Requirements and other roadblocks
Any fields you would like to be considered in your Import Filter must be accessible via API on the object that is being synced.
For example, if you're syncing your ClientSuccess Clients object to your Pipedrive Organization object, whichever fields are going to play a role in your Import Filter must be accessible via API directly from your Organization object.
In order to update Import Filters, we require the field name/lable, value (yes/no), and API key associated with the field and value criteria. (see image)
If you run into questions on best practices we recommend scheduling a short meeting with support to help configure this import filter.
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