Welcome to the breakdown of the Integrations > Configuration page. This is the page from which you'll adjust the sync settings for any 3rd party integrations you've authenticated with already. If you're wondering how to authenticate, or how to get to this page, please review our other Integrations articles.
1. Integration Header: Whether it's Salesforce, HubSpot, or one of our other upcoming integrations, see which integration you're currently working on, here.
2. Salesforce Domain: For those with a Salesforce integration, there are a variety of URLs you may have authenticated with. See which URL was used, here (should you have several instances of Salesforce, this helps you identify which instance is connected).
3. Global Integrations Toggle: This toggle serves to enable/pause all sync activity for a particular integration. This will impact the sync for all objects underneath that integration (i.e. Clients, Contacts and Engagements). This will not impact the sync for other integrations you may have running (i.e. HubSpot, Pipedrive etc.).
This toggle overrides the object "Sync Direction" selections (item #5), for that particular integration. For example, if you have your Client Sync Direction set to "Push & Pull", your Global Integrations Toggle will override that, disabling all syncing if it is set to "Off").
4. Objects: At the highest level, the newer integrations (Salesforce and HubSpot, currently) sync data on an object to object basis. The three ClientSuccess objects, Clients, Contacts and Subscriptions, can be pointed at a single object in your external system.
"Object" refers to data points that a system natively groups together. For HubSpot, think Companies, Contacts and Deals. For Salesforce, think Accounts, Contacts and Opportunities.
The newer integrations currently support syncing of Client and Contact data, with Subscription sync coming soon. We also currently allow a one-way push of Engagements from ClientSuccess to Salesforce.
Per the example below, if you have Client level data in both your Accounts and Custom Objects in Salesforce, we can pull Client data from one or the other, but not both.
5. Object Sync Direction: Here you can set which direction you want your data to flow at an object level. There are 4 options to choose from:
Push & Pull: Supports both one-way syncing in either direction as well bi-directionally mapped fields.
Push to Salesforce: Only ClientSuccess to Salesforce pushing of data supported
Pull from Salesforce: Only Salesforce to ClientSuccess pulling of data supported
Disabled: No syncing for this object will occur
The sync direction selected here will override your sync direction set in your Field Mappings. See our Field Mappings article for more details.
6. Pull Schedule: Set the frequency at which ClientSuccess is polling your external system to look for updates that have been made. For more details on how this works, see our Sync Process Overview article. Options range from Manual Only, to 60 minutes:
7. Latest Pull: Date/time of the last poll made to your external system.
8. Next Pull: Date/time the next poll of your external system is scheduled to run.
9. Field Mappings: This button will take you to a new page where you can adjust your mappings on a per/field level. See our Field Mappings article for more details.
10. Import/Sync/Preview: Don't let this link scare you! It merely opens up a new window on your current page. You'll find 6 clickable links in this new window. See our Import/Sync/Preview article (coming soon) for more details.
What if I want to permanently delete an integration?
On your Integrations Configuration page, there is a "Delete" icon in the top right-hand corner (not pictured above). This link is not meant for temporarily disabling your sync, or pausing the sync while you make changes. This link is only meant for use if you wish to remove your integration permanently. All field mappings will also be deleted. IT CANNOT BE UNDONE.
If I disable the Global Sync Toggle on one Integrations Configuration page, does that disable all syncing across our instance of ClientSuccess?
Each integration (Salesforce, HubSpot etc.) is managed independently. Any adjustments you make to an Integrations Configuration page will only impact that particular integration.
Do the Object Sync Toggles override mappings? I.e. if I have a field mapped to push from ClientSuccess to my external system, but the ClientSuccess - Object Sync Push Toggle is disabled, will data still push from ClientSuccess?
The hierarchy of control starts with the Global Integrations Toggle superseding everything else > Then Object Toggles > Then mappings under each object.
1 comment
Reorder Client Custom Fields, simply drag and drop them in the desired order within the settings, helping streamline processes like randm tornado 7000
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