About the Integration
Our integration provides management of Client and Contact data, with a focus on field mappings between ClientSuccess and external systems. As part of the integration, you'll also have control over sync frequency (how often the data is synced) and sync direction.
To integrate external systems with ClientSuccess, you must:
- Connect using a log-in with admin-level permissions
Your Salesforce instance must be able to support API and connected apps - These are Included with SFDC Enterprise edition or higher; you can also purchase API Access a la carte from SFDC
- Confirm the admin user account is properly authorized in the external system to self-authorize connected apps
- We also recommend as a best practice, though it is not required, to connect with a log-in used specifically for integrations (i.e. an "API User" or "Operations User")
The integration provides the following functionality:
- Define your sync criteria
- ClientSuccess uses an Import Filter that will allow you to specify which customer and contact records you want to be imported and regularly syncing with ClientSuccess (filter is configured by the support team at ClientSuccess once you have decided on the requirements)
- Can be configured on both the Client and Contact objects in ClientSuccess
- Example: sync customers if their "Account Status = Customer", as it appears in your Salesforce instance
- Map the SFDC "Account" object to the ClientSuccess "Clients" object
- This data will typically need to come from your "Account" object
- Example: Client Name (Account Name), Client As Of Date (Customer Start Date), Client Type (Account Type)
- Will need to include a SFDC client ID mapping
- This data will typically need to come from your "Account" object
- Map the SFDC "Contact" object to the ClientSuccess "Contacts" object
- This data will typically need to come from your "Contact" object
- Example: First Name, Last Name, Title, Email
- Will need to include a SFDC contact ID, and client ID mapping
- This data will typically need to come from your "Contact" object
- Determine sync direction
- Client and Contact object mappings are controlled separately, meaning it's possible to only pull Client data from Salesforce into ClientSuccess while Contact data is only pushing from ClientSuccess into Salesforce
- Individual field mappings can also be individually set, meaning specific fields on each object can be set to one direction or the other, or both
- Please note that the if the object-level sync direction is set to PUSH or PULL only, it will supersede field-level mappings
- The object-level PUSH AND PULL sync direction will honor each individual field mappings sync direction
- Set sync frequency
- Within ClientSuccess, you can determine how frequently ClientSuccess will reference your Import Filter(s) to create and/or update data from Salesforce
- More frequent PULLS from Salesforce will consume more API calls.
- Changes made in ClientSuccess are PUSHED to Salesforce in real-time (no scheduling....they are triggered upon the data save in ClientSuccess)
- Within ClientSuccess, you can determine how frequently ClientSuccess will reference your Import Filter(s) to create and/or update data from Salesforce
- Optional - Engagement push from ClientSuccess to Salesforce
- Enable a real-time push from your ClientSuccess "Engagements" into your Salesforce "Notes and Activities" History (they come in as "events")
Getting Started
1. Authenticate Salesforce to ClientSuccess
2. Work with your CSM (preferred) or email support@clientsuccess.com to configure your Import Filter(s)
3. Follow the Salesforce Field Mapping Setup Guide to configure Client and Contact field mappings, including sync directions
4. If desired, specify object-level sync directions (standard is PUSH and PULL)
5. Run initial import (highly recommended that this is completed with your CSM)
6. Set your object-level, pull schedule
***If you are an existing customer and are configuring a Salesforce sync for the first time, please reach out to Support to discuss additional steps required in addition to what's listed above***
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