Did you know? The Project Management Institute(PMI) suggests a project manager should spend 90% of their time communicating! Project management communication is a skill that is never perfected, can always be improved, and is pivotal in being able to initiate and execute a project effectively. Pass this off to Baton, we'll keep your stakeholders informed and your clients engaged.
Head over to our User and Workspace Settings article to learn more about configuring notifications and how to preview emails.
This article contains the following sections:
Project Email Timeline
Time Tracking Reminder
Weekly reminder for individual contributors
Unblocked Task Notification (Individual)
Activity Direct Message
New Task Assignment
Milestone Feedback Received
Project Role Change
Task Assignee Direct Email
Project Stakeholder Direct Email
Workspace Email Verification (New Workspace)
Find Workspace (No Workspace or Existing)
Password Reset
New Project Set Live
New Project Kickoff
New Member Invited To Workspace
User Added to New Project
Milestone Feedback Initial Ask
New Project Campaign (1/2)
New Project Campaign (2/2)
Weekly Task Summary
Tomorrow's Task Reminder
Task(s) Past Due
Project Lead Summary
Project Join Reminder
Complete Project Planning Reminder
Milestone Feedback Reminder
Time Tracking Reminder
As an admin, you can enable this time tracking email reminders from the admin settings section under workspace management. By default, this notification will be sent every Friday at 4pm EST, if someone has a task due for that particular week.
Project Email Timeline
16. Unblocked Task Notification (Individual)
Description: Baton can store which tasks depend on others to automatically hand off ownership of the next task. This notification ensures time isn’t wasted between teams.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: Yes
Target: Assignee
Trigger: Immediately when a task dependent on another task is unblocked
14. Activity Direct Message
Description: Writing a comment in a task’s activity feed that tags a user @...
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Any Stakeholder
Trigger: Immediately after sending the comment
15. New Task Assignment
Description: Tasks can be added or assigned after a project is set to live. This notification happens in this case so users are aware of new work assigned to them after project kickoff.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: Yes
Target: Assignee
Trigger: Immediate when assigned a new task on an in progress project
23. Milestone Feedback Received
Description: This notification lets you as the vendor lead know when feedback is received.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: Yes
Target: Vendor Project Lead
Trigger: Immediately when milestone feedback is suggested
17. Project Role Change
Description: If your role in an in-progress project is shifting around, we want to make sure you’re in the loop as it happens. We notify when you’re officially moved from one role to another in a project.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: User Changed
Trigger: Immediately when a user’s project role is updated
18. Task Assignee Direct Email
Description: Users can send task assignees direct messages by clicking the envelope next to their name in the task details.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Any Stakeholder
Trigger: Clicking the envelope next to a user’s name in a task’s details drawer
Opens up modal:
19. Project Stakeholder Direct Email
Description: Users can send project stakeholders and leads direct messages by clicking the envelope next to their name in the project details.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Any Stakeholder
Trigger: Clicking the envelope next to a user’s name in a project’s details drawer
Opens up modal:
1. Workspace Email Verification (New Workspace)
Description: To ensure security, we ask you to confirm your email when creating a workspace.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Admins
Trigger: Creating a new workspace
24. Find Workspace (No Workspace or Existing)
Description: When requesting to join a workspace, we want to ensure your account already exists. We verify your email for security reasons or let you know if an account does not exist.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Any Stakeholder
Trigger: Requesting workspace information
20. Password Reset
Description: To protect your identity, we require you to confirm your email address upon resetting your password.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Any Stakeholder
Trigger: Upon request
5. New Project Set Live
Description: All parties from the client and vendor will get an invitation when a project is set to live. This will occur after planning is complete and take them to set up their account or directly to the project if one already exists.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Assignee
Trigger: Project set to in progress that a stakeholder is on
4. New Project Set Live
Description: Project leads from the client and vendor will get an invitation when a project is set to live. This will occur after planning is complete and take them to set up their account or directly to the project if one already exists.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: Yes
Target: Vendor/Client Project Lead
Trigger: Project set to live
2. New Member Invited To Workspace
Description: This notification is for a new user who is added to your workspace, but not a specific project. We send them a link to set up their account and go through orientation.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Invitee
Trigger: Immediately when a user is invited to a workspace via the account management page
6. User Added to New Project
Description: This notification is for a new user who is added to your workspace, but not a specific project. We send them a link to set up their account and go through orientation then go to the project they will be contributing to.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Invitee
Trigger: Immediately when a user is invited to a workspace from assignment to a task on an active project
21. Milestone Feedback Initial Ask
Description: Ask the client lead to give 1-5 star feedback and the option to leave comments.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: Yes
Target: Client Project Lead
Trigger: When a milestone is completed
7. New Project Campaign (1/2)
Description: When you invite a client lead, we send out a campaign of emails to engage them and orient them to Baton.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Client Project Lead
Trigger: This goes out as a client onboards
8. New Project Campaign (2/2)
Description: When you invite a client lead, we send out a campaign of emails to engage them and orient them to Baton.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Client Project Lead
Trigger: This goes out as a client onboards
11. Weekly Task Summary
Description: Sundays can be stressful thinking about what you need to do in the upcoming week. We want to take that stress away. We send out tasks due for the upcoming week on Monday morning so you can enjoy your weekend and hit the ground running when the work week starts.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: Yes
Target: Assignee
Trigger: Mondays, 8am ET
9. Tomorrow’s Task Reminder
Description: We send out an overview of tasks due tomorrow so you always know what you need to focus on next. It lists all you need to focus on, nothing more and nothing less.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: Yes
Target: Assignee
Trigger: Weekdays, 4pm ET (Can Be Customized)
10. Task(s) Past Due
Description: Delays happen. Let Baton do the reminding.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: Yes
Target: Assignee
Trigger: Weekdays, 8am EST (Can Be Customized)
12. Project Lead Summary
Description: This email shows a basic tracker of tasks due last week and this week, plus any that may be late and outstanding still. A way to get you informed of what your team should focus on this week.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Vendor/Client Project Leads
Trigger: Mondays, 8am ET
13. Project Join Reminder
Description: After a project is set to live, leads get emails inviting them to Baton and the project plan. This can be missed so we have a reminder if the original email is not engaged by either lead.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: No
Target: Vendor/Client Project Lead
Trigger: If a lead has not joined a project at least 24 hours after kickoff. During business hours.
3. Complete Project Planning Reminder
Description: If a vendor lead starts planning a project, but abandons it, we want to ensure we flag it to be completed and kicked off. This reminder goes out to ensure projects kick off efficiently and on time.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: Yes
Target: Vendor Project Lead
Trigger: At least 24 hours after project planning started, during business hours
22. Milestone Feedback Reminder
Description: This is a reminder if feedback has not been added yet. We ask the client lead to give 1-5 star feedback and the option to leave comments.
Can Opt In/Out In Settings: Yes
Target: Client Project Lead
Trigger: Immediately when milestone feedback is suggested
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