Projected Completion Date
Our Baton Projected Completion Date for a project looks to accurately predict when an implementation will finish based on how it is progressing. It looks at all tasks in the project, estimates a completion date for each, and sets the project to be complete when the final task is complete.
To calculate when a task will be complete, we consider its status, start date, due date, duration (in effort hours if given), and the projected due date of its parent task's status. Then, we compare this data to today's date to assess the date we expect a task to be completed.
When a task is not started, we assume the entire duration will be needed to complete a task. These will be the hours estimated over eight hours a day or working days between the start and due date when hours are not given. Once a Baton user marks the task in progress, we will count down the days remaining from the started date, which can be overridden. If a task's started and/or completed date has been overridden, we use the overridden value.
Project and Task Risk Calculation
Risk classification in Baton occurs for projects and tasks based on if they will be completed early, on time, or late. If a project or task is expected to be late, how late is essential to classifying the riskiness of a project being completed on time. If a project or task is expected to finish on time or early, it will show low risk. For determining if later tasks and projects should be medium or high risk, we look at the number of projected days late and the time between the current date and the entered due date. If the projected number of days late is less than 10% of the number of days between the present and due dates, we give the project a medium status. There is still time to get the project or task on track. Otherwise, we denote a high risk to the project or task.
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