On the List and Kanban views, we may want to observe data trends over time for multiple projects. If you filter projects, the data bar will also be filtered. This is possible through the data bar at the top of the page. Note, your clients can not see this bar or any data in it. Below, we break down each element of the data bar from left to right.
Project Status
This shows the number of active projects as well as what number and percentage are on time (green), at risk (yellow), or delayed (red).
Due vs Completed Projects
This section graphically shows completed projects and how many were due in a month. Using the "Num" and "Value" buttons, you can toggle between the count of projects and dollar value of projects. You can scroll left or right on the graph to show other months. If you hover over a month, you can see the completed and due values on the right side of the section update.
All Contracts
This section focuses on the monetary value of your contracts. It shows the value of in flight projects (Active) and projects that are still being planned, but have not started (Queue).
Baton Score
The Baton Score quantifies how well your implementations are relative to the industry. This is like an NPS specifically for implementations.
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